Seems like it's been forever since I've last posted, but I took a short, much needed vacation and since my kids are with their dad until this coming Friday...this post will explain my absenteeism. (that sounds so not like a word, but it didn't fall under the spell check, lol) Wow! That is a word that I used quite often this past week! I went to my first ever ALIVE Festival! It was not only the first time to hear and see so many wonderful speakers, singers, talent and true worship... but it was a first for me to go camping. OK, don't start laughing! LOL I just have never been camping in my entire life and I will have to say that I really enjoyed it!!! There was so many bands that I have only heard the names of and I was so impressed with them after it was their time to shine, that I left ALIVE feeing just that... ALIVE!!! I can really say that I believe Chris Tomlin writes his songs from daily having a personal relationship with God! He blew me away with his heart for worship and his sincere desire to lead others to Christ! Another group that I felt was truly sincere was a very young group called Leeland. This is a group that I had heard a lot about, but I had never knew or didn't think that I knew any of their music. I guess I knew one, just never connected the song with the band. Anyways, the lead singer is another that has a heart for the unchurched and lost! He told of the opportunity he had to share the gospel with a much older man (in his 50's or 60's) that eventually came to know Christ, and Leeland said that he never dreamed that a 19 year old would have that impact on a much older man, but it proves that Jesus can work wonders through us no matter what the age may be, as long as we are the willing vessels! His testimony is fabulous and he is only 19... I cannot wait for more to come from this young worship group! Barlow Girl's testimony was absolutely sensational... their heart for reaching out to young girls (and older) teaching the importance of modesty and that purity is worth the wait and it's okay not to date since God already has someone out there for everyone, we just need to let it be in God's time and up to Him when it happens. There was just so many awesome groups and speakers that I could of sat for hours and listened to. Speakers that I would recommend were Crystal Miller (survivor from the Columbine shootings), David Nassar (former Middle East resident with a WOW! testimony) and James Ryle ( former prison inmate). I know there were a lot more, these are just a few that stood out to me.
I apologize for this messed up blog, but I just cannot figure out how to stack the pics and post beside it so that it don't take up so much wasted space... it just wouldn't work for me no matter what way I tried to align it. I guess I need to take some lessons in computers? Anyways, this is what has been happening in my neck of the woods, let me know about yours! God Bless! Leslie
I apologize for this messed up blog, but I just cannot figure out how to stack the pics and post beside it so that it don't take up so much wasted space... it just wouldn't work for me no matter what way I tried to align it. I guess I need to take some lessons in computers? Anyways, this is what has been happening in my neck of the woods, let me know about yours! God Bless! Leslie
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