Saturday, June 2, 2007

*What is Rest?*

Okay, so just when I think that I might be on a roll and I think I'm ready to start pricing things for this long anticipated yard sale, I am all to soon brought back to reality and faced with the fact that I am only really just about a 1/4 of the way through all of the things that I thought there was to price or sort through. I just want to take it all and load it up and head off to the local dump or even better yet out to my aunt and uncles and pile it high and then set it ablaze... and if I weren't too awful tired to forget the hotdogs, roasting sticks, buns, condiments and all the other fixin's, we might have us a good old weinee roast! But I can't see that happening anytime soon. Oh well, I am definatly not going to get it done overnight and the next night don't look promising either! So I will just have to be patient and get done what I can.... only so many hours in one day, this was soposed to be done last summer and before I knew it time had gotten away with me yet again. I am gonna stop stressing about it and do what I can... and get some much needed ZZZZZZ's, which sounds like a plan to me! I know that my body and mind might thank me for if I would just let it happen. I want to make sure that my heart and mind is open and rested enough for when God speaks to me and in alone time with Him so with His help I am able to do whatever He has for me to do that day. Tomorrow is another day, I think I will price more then. :-)