Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Before I forget, this is a picture of the house we are renting. I took this off my cell phone so it isn't of good quality, but I hope you are able to make it out!

Tomorrow night the Children Of The World Choir is going to be at our Church to sing, dance etc. These are an amazing group of young children who each has a story to tell. I am really looking forward to seeing this group of innocent kids come together, putting aside their differences whether it be back rounds, race, culture, talents and whatever seperates them each individually to worship and bring forth a message that will obviously bear signs of a UNITY that our world so desperately needs, second to God! This is the main reason for this post.

As I look back and remember where I was this time a month ago and see where I'm at today, I sure want to be sure to thank everyone that helped me get to where I'm at... and that goes for everyone who gave any type of help during our move. I can say that we are settling nicely into our home, although I know it takes time to unpack everything I am trying not to let it get to me too bad! So when I look back and remember where I was when I first started this transition for our lives, I can say that we have truly made progress.

As I am sitting here typing this, oodles of thoughts are racing through my mind... and I remember visiting here around this time last year and knowing that in about a year I would be here where we are at, but couldn't even begin to imagine just how far God brought the kids and I. I have learned to trust in Him more. I have always been a "doubting Thomas and for a change I was walking out in faith, stepping back and fully trusting God to lead me. So when I look back to a year ago I really do know that I have made progress!

Again I am taken back to 6 years ago today and I am still shaken by the horrific events that took place in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon. My heart mourns along with the millions whose lives were directly and indirectly affected that day. I have the deepest respect for the heroic efforts of those who served in any way that day and those who gave their lives unselfishly to save the lives of others, and all the men and women who serve our country everyday so that we are still able to experience freedom in so many different ways. May we no longer allow the hatred that is infesting our world today to destroy anymore lives and may we bring God back to every area of our lives and allow Him to bring about a change in each and everyone of our hearts so that sin and hatred will be a thing of the past. May we allow Jesus to bring peace to this world that He came to save! So if we look back on September 11, 2001, are we able to say that things look better today than they did then? Have we made progress and if not... what can we do to bring about a change. I pray that God will give me a heart that is broken for the lost and dying in this world, until then we may never see a change. ~Blessings