I just wanted to stop and take the time and post a blog that is very dear and close to my heart. I don't know if many of you know that my father was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2000, and since that time he's had 2 major surgeries and many chemotherapy treatments. In early 2007, Hospice was called in to help my mom care for dad and the house and to give my mom a chance to do work that she can't do at home. Mom is a LPN and she is able to do some of her work from home so she can be with dad. Hospice has been a blessing! Please keep mom in your prayers... with help and strength from God, she has been so strong, courageous and a wonderful wife and caregiver to my father. This picture was taken yesterday September 16, 2007. My father is down to 143 pounds, and he looks very nice in his shirt and tie. I am not sure if any of you have ever heard me talk about Caringbridge.org? It is a free website that supports and connects family, friends and the ones we love during critical illnesses. You can read updates about your loved one and even leave a comment of encouragement for them to read. I highly recommend it, it has made us able to still feel connected even though many miles separate us. For more information go to www.caringbridge.org
Before I close, I wanted to mention again that I am so proud of my dad. His picture made the front page of the September issue of Farm and Ranch Living (magazine). He is pictured there with one of his Farmall tractors. In dad's spare time as his favorite hobby, he would buy old tractors (Farmalls) and restore and paint them. I will always remember having quite a few Farmall's around the house. Dad also loved to fix them up and participate in local tractor pulls... and he always did quite well! (especially against those old JohnDeere's). He was involved with the Florida Flywheelers and I believe the last time he pulled was earlier this summer. I have many memories of watching dad from the grand stand and seeing him pull his way down the track and many times it was a first place pull for his class. As I'm sitting here posting... I also want to say that as much as I know dad loves his red Farmalls, he loves his Heavenly Father and Jesus much more! I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for my dad and our family, please continue to pray that my dad will feel great comfort in God's Everlasting Arms. Thank You Dad for the memories, ~I Love You~
Monday, September 17, 2007
Posted by
Leslie Holloway
5:45 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I have meant to put this picture of the kids on here before now, but as slippery as my mind is... well need I say more? Anyways, this was a first for all of them to wear uniforms to school. It's the first time for Kristofer and Katie to attend a Christian School but Kyle started out his schooldays at a Christian School back in Ohio from Preschool up to Thanksgiving break his second grade year, where he (they) attended public school till this year. Kyle is a freshman, Kris is in 5th and Katie is in 3rd. One thing that I find a little humorous... almost every morning Kris asks me why he has to wear the same kind of shirt? I tell him the same reason over again, but with his Autism (Asperger's Syndrome) it's really bothers him that all the shirts look alike and the only difference is that they get to wear 8 different colors. I thank God that I still have the freedom to choose where to send my kids to school. My heart breaks for the people of this world who don't get to enjoy the freedom that our country has. I want to be more Thankful for what I've been given, complain a lot less and always remember from Whom my Blessings come from.
Posted by
Leslie Holloway
8:37 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Before I forget, this is a picture of the house we are renting. I took this off my cell phone so it isn't of good quality, but I hope you are able to make it out!
Tomorrow night the Children Of The World Choir is going to be at our Church to sing, dance etc. These are an amazing group of young children who each has a story to tell. I am really looking forward to seeing this group of innocent kids come together, putting aside their differences whether it be back rounds, race, culture, talents and whatever seperates them each individually to worship and bring forth a message that will obviously bear signs of a UNITY that our world so desperately needs, second to God! This is the main reason for this post.
As I look back and remember where I was this time a month ago and see where I'm at today, I sure want to be sure to thank everyone that helped me get to where I'm at... and that goes for everyone who gave any type of help during our move. I can say that we are settling nicely into our home, although I know it takes time to unpack everything I am trying not to let it get to me too bad! So when I look back and remember where I was when I first started this transition for our lives, I can say that we have truly made progress.
As I am sitting here typing this, oodles of thoughts are racing through my mind... and I remember visiting here around this time last year and knowing that in about a year I would be here where we are at, but couldn't even begin to imagine just how far God brought the kids and I. I have learned to trust in Him more. I have always been a "doubting Thomas and for a change I was walking out in faith, stepping back and fully trusting God to lead me. So when I look back to a year ago I really do know that I have made progress!
Again I am taken back to 6 years ago today and I am still shaken by the horrific events that took place in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon. My heart mourns along with the millions whose lives were directly and indirectly affected that day. I have the deepest respect for the heroic efforts of those who served in any way that day and those who gave their lives unselfishly to save the lives of others, and all the men and women who serve our country everyday so that we are still able to experience freedom in so many different ways. May we no longer allow the hatred that is infesting our world today to destroy anymore lives and may we bring God back to every area of our lives and allow Him to bring about a change in each and everyone of our hearts so that sin and hatred will be a thing of the past. May we allow Jesus to bring peace to this world that He came to save! So if we look back on September 11, 2001, are we able to say that things look better today than they did then? Have we made progress and if not... what can we do to bring about a change. I pray that God will give me a heart that is broken for the lost and dying in this world, until then we may never see a change. ~Blessings
Posted by
Leslie Holloway
7:45 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Things have been CRAZY around here but I am ready to see some signs of "normal"... if there is or ever will be such a thing again! But through it all I can say that things have been going pretty good!
The kids are adjusting to school and doing quite well! This is the first time ever that I have heard Kristofer say that the kids at his school like him. He went up to his teacher last week and said to her, Mrs. Wilmoth, I am a little worried. She said how so Kris, and he said, well there is a girl here that told me that she likes me. And the teacher told him, Kris that's good that kids like you, and he said, oh I didn't know that. Everywhere else we have gone Kris has never felt like he belonged or was made to feel like he belonged or could feel comfortable enough to fit into his surroundings. So when the devil or others try to make me feel like that sending my kids to a Christian school isn't worth it, I can firmly say that is absolutely not true! It has always been very important to me that no matter where my kids went to school, they feel safe and comfortable... and I believe now that both of those needs for the kids are being fulfilled! Thank-you God!
At an early age I knew that I was to do something with music, whether it is to write, record, sing or simply minister... I didn't realize till I was much older that God just wanted me to use the gift He gave me for Him. Yesterday I had a try out/audition with our music leader here at our new church... and I get to start practicing with the worship team this coming Sunday! As we all know, in life we will always be disappointed by others who can be unkind or stand in the way of us using the talents God has given to us, but I know from personal experience that having great patience pays off! I now know that God had bigger and better plans for me than I could have for myself... His timing is always PERFECT!!!
Our new church really has a good focus for our young children and youth. Katie and Kris are plugged into the children's church and Kyle has fit in nicely to the youth. The teen ministry here is focused on leading our generation of Youth to Christ! The teen ministry is also known as "Soul Changers". This is an awesome outreach to the youth in our area. The teens get to lead church service as well as the worship music. After Sunday morning worship, everyone involved with the youth meets back at the church by 3:00 and they load up the church bus to capacity(approx 60-65 youth) and head out for a 30-40 minute drive up the mountain to a little country church in a town called Copper Hill. First they have worship music that is lead by the band and then one of the Youth Pastors brings the message. Afterwards they eat and have a lot of fun activities planned. I had the opportunity to go with them last week and it was really awesome to see the church packed out and the youth worshiping. The prior week they had approx 63 youth and 8 out of the 63 gave their hearts to Christ! That is awesome!!! Kyle had his first experience playing the lead guitar along with another youth who already plays the lead in the band. He was asked to join the "teen worship band". He is thrilled! He has waited a long time for this moment and I was elated to be able to be there and see it happen. He had really been practicing a lot and playing well over the summer and has improved tremendously! He really did a good job for the first time and was asked to be a part of the new band that they are looking to start in the near future. I took the picture posted on this blog from my cell phone and it isn't real clear and I do apologize that it isn't good, but I can't find my digital camera since we moved. (Kyle is in the green shirt)
Anyways, for now that's an overview of what's been happening here. When I get more settled I will be able to post more often. We have church tonight and I gotta keep busy! Blessings to All! :-)
Posted by
Leslie Holloway
7:07 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
It is hard to believe that the kids have finished their 2nd full week of school! I am still baffled that this is September 1st and that means winter,Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner and will be here before we know it... and I am absolutely not even ready to think about the holidays!!!
The kiddies don't have school on Monday due to Labor Day and I believe that we are going to try to have a picnic of some sort with my brother and his family. My Uncle Joe and Aunt Charlene are coming in tomorrow to finish bringing me the rest of my stuff that wouldn't fit into my rental truck so they'll will get to be here for it, I hope! I don't know what the menu is for Monday but I bought a watermelon when I was at Kroger's last night. (I started craving it the minute I walked in the door and saw it sitting there-isn't that pathetic? Oh dear)
Well I haven't got much time here to blog today. There is a lot of things that I could go unpack,clean or organize... so to be able to look back on the day and feel a small bit of accomplishment...I must keep this short in order to stay focused and busy.
I hope everyone has a pleasant day, but most importantly don't be too busy to stop and listen to God in the quiet! You will be amazed at how much you will notice Him there among the silence!
~Blessings To All~
Posted by
Leslie Holloway
8:36 AM